
Deterioration in Trade Value of Passenger Cars

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The main aim of the article is to investigate the issues of deterioration in market value of motor vehicles, to determine its volume, measuring method and its consequences. The following article analyses the decline in trade value of vehicles that are currently in use. The study has been conducted into the loss of trade value of motor vehicles that have never taken part in road accidents. The case under analysis focuses on the decline in trade value of a motor vehicle generated by the operating automotive industry. The article draws upon information from trade magazines, and with regard to insurance products, from the general terms of insurance from a selection of insurance companies.

How to cite:

Wieteska, S., Agata Szydlik-Leszczyńska, A. and Stęplewska, K. (2023). Deterioration in Trade Value of Passenger Cars, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XVIII, Summer, 2(80), 73–83.


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