Determinants of Unemployment Status. Indicating College Majors that Reduces the Unemployment Status in Lebanon
Izdehar HALABI Economic Department, Faculty of Business Administration Beirut Arab University, Beirut, Lebanon
Jana KOURANI Economic Department, Faculty of Business Administration Beirut Arab University, Beirut, Lebanon
Unemployment status is considered one of the divisive economic issues. This paper aims to examine the factors such as age, gender, geographical area, educational level, college major and work experience that affect unemployment status in Lebanon. As well as predicting college majors that reduce unemployment in Lebanon. Using the survey method to collect data.
This study found that individuals with higher educational levels and higher work experience are set to have higher chances to be employed. Another finding is that males have more opportunities to get hired. With respect to the geographical area, citizens that live in the capital Beirut, have more chances to enter the labor market. Individuals between the age of 24 and 37 have higher chances to get recruited. By studying the college majors, this study found that individuals that have business management, computer science, art, health, nursing, nutrition and psychology as a college major could guarantee a job opportunity more than individuals with other majors. The findings would help students in choosing a college major that helps them find a job opportunity after graduating.
Halabi, I., Kourani, J. 2022. Determinants of Unemployment Status. Indicating College Majors that Reduces the Unemployment Status in Lebanon. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XVII, Spring, 1(75): 55-66.
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